Ann went back to the coach to get the binoculars and I stayed to fish the pond. A local came up and we started talking. He told me about the alligators in the pond and took me to a spot where he knew the alligators hung out on a log. As we approached the spot, the alligator slipped off the log and into the water. We were able to get a pretty good look at him in the water though. He was about 5-6 feet long and in no hurry to leave. I went to get the camera but by the time I got back a smaller 'gater and some turtles were on the log. I brought Ann back with the binocular and the small alligator was still on the log. The larger alligator was across the pond among some branches in the water. All that we could see of him was the top of his head in the water.
In the afternoon we drove back to the French Quarter. We took the long route so we could drive across the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. I had no idea how long it was across the lake so I set the trip meter as we passed through the toll plaza. As we started crossing the longest bridge in the US all we could see on the other side was the top of the New Orleans sky scrapers off in the distance. We could see nothing else in front or to the left or right but water. Twenty-four miles later, and almost running out of gas, we came off the bridge just outside of New Orleans.
Back to Bourbon Street where we went into the Cat's Meow to listen to music and have a drink. We each had a Hurricane in a very large cup!
We got back to the coach in time for Gray's Anatomy.
The first picture shows the turtles on the log in front of the smaller of the two alligators in the fishing pond. The second picture is me enjoying a Beignet and the last picture shows the Cats Meow on Bourbon Street.
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