Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day seventy three - Wednesday

Today was supposed to be our only full day in San Antonio. However, Sadie has had a pancreatitis relapse and is back in the hospital. She'll probably be there for at least three days, maybe more.

So, we took today off and really did nothing but watch the OJ preliminary hearing on TV. OJ trial number three coming to a TV near you soon. We had a game of scrabble this afternoon and then did nothing.

I forgot to mention yesterday that we passed the 6,000 mile mark for this trip. We hit that milestone around the time we entered Texas. We'll be over 7,000 miles by the time we get to Las Vegas.

Also, good ole Verizon is giving me problems and I'm having to use to send e-mails and I have no e-mail addresses in my address book. So, I can send e-mails but it's a pain to do so.


Anonymous said...

Hope Sadie is better soon!

Barb and Don

Ma Koakley's World of Good Eats said...

Good luck with the dog. Might I suggest you use GMail. It works great and you don't have to rely on provider.

Just might replicate your trip one day..