We went back to the French Quarter, arriving just before dark. Being Friday it was a lot busier than before and it took us a while to find parking. Once we were parked we walked about five blocks to Pat O'Brien's. Linda Zeppa recommended Pat O'Brien's, which has several bars and a restaurant. One of the bars has a flaming fountain and another is a piano bar. We selected the piano bar and ordered Hurricanes.
When we left Pat O'Brien's, we walked up and down Bourbon Street. People were throwing beads off the balconies to people on the street but it wasn't rowdy like during Mardi Gras, at least not yet. We heard Jazz coming from one bar so we went in and listened to a couple of Jazz bands for a while and had Mint Juleps. The bands were very good and so were the drinks.
Back out on Bourbon Street we found there were more people on the balconies and more people in the street. At one balcony we noticed people were throwing beads up to the balcony instead of the other way around. It was a high balcony with a man and a woman. They were having trouble getting the beads up to the balcony but once they did I saw why there were trying so hard. Every time someone would get the beads up to the balcony, the woman would expose herself. She had quite a crowd down below.

The first picture shows one of the singers at Pat O'Briens. The second picture shows one of the Jazz bands at Maison Bourbon Jazz Club.
Wow. My wife and I are on a 3 1/2 month trip starting in Maine, traveling Route 66, spending a month in Baja, and then heading to our other home in the Florida Keys. It's fun to see someone else doing the trip and blog.
We are harveyrv.blogspot.com.
Did you throw your arm out of it's socket trying to get those beads up on the balcony, Bob? How did that affect your casting ability?
Don and Barb
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