Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day eighty eight - Thursday

We dined at Denny's this morning and took off for Gustine at about 11:00 a.m.

We had an uneventful day driving north on 99 and then 5 until we stopped for fuel in Santa Nella. $3.59 a gallon for diesel. WOW! And, I'm told it's worse in Salinas. I wanted the cash price so I spent the whole $65.00 I had in my pocket on fuel. Yeah, 14 gallons. That won't get me too far down the road.

We got into Rick and Grace's house in the early afternoon. Grace fed us a great dinner and I watch the football game on TV. Too bad the Cowboys beat the Packers. At least the game was interesting until the last 5 minutes.

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