Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day thirteen - Saturday

Hey, Betty, stay in the frying pan and out of the fire!!! :) We hope you're feeling better.

We left Keystone at about 10:30 a.m. and stopped in Rapid City to take Sadie to the vet. Sadie has had a minor relapse but a couple of shots, $124.00, and two bottles of pills later we're on our way again. Very nice Vet's office which was open on Saturday and didn't charge any weekend or emergency fees for our visit. The place was called Noah's Ark Veterinary Hospital. Nice people too.

As I write this, we're sitting in our favorite campground, WMRVR, (Wal-Mart RV Resort) in Mitchell, SD. It was a 300 mile day for us and we passed into the Central Time Zone on the way here. I have to say we saw NOTHING of particular interest on this day. The road was very flat and very straight. We did see a BUNCH of signs for Wall Drug store. For a hundred miles we kept seeing these signs but we didn't stop because we had been warned about the signs and told not to bother with the Wall Drug side trip, so we didn't.

One thing I did notice about 50 miles back was a sign for Cabelas! Turns out there is a huge Cabelas within walking distance of our campground. I'll take a walk over there in the morning before we head out.

Tomorrow we enter Iowa. We'll spend one night boondocking about half way between here and Manchester Iowa where my cousins live. It'll be a 250 mile day with no stop at the Vet so we should have time to see some sights, if there are any to see!

Since we have no pictures of today's travels, I'm posting a picture from one of our previous stops. This picture is a coyote walking along the bank of Yellowstone Lake in the evening. We saw several coyotes during our visit and noticed that they are much healthier looking than our Trinity coyotes. Must be the bountiful diet in Yellowstone.

On a somber note, we just heard about the passing of Francie Epperson's Mom. Francie, our condolences! Our thoughts and prayers are with your and your family.

1 comment:

tclakelady said...

Hi Bob and Annie:

Your blog is wonderful!!! Dewey and I are going to take the same trip hopefully in '08 or '09. We both love vacations where you can drive and stop where ever you want.

All is well here. Getting ready for the big retirement party for Dick. Think I will be working more than partying.

Thanks for the update on Sady. I know she will be fine.

Annie you are thought about often by all your walking partners. Will miss you at movie night!! Have a wonderful time. Keep the updates coming.

Love Linda