Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day three - Wednesday

Up at 7:00 a.m. and off to Winnemucca where we fueled up. 78 gallons and $230 later we were off and running. We continued east on Hwy 80 to Wells, Nevada where we headed north on Hwy 93. At twin Falls, Idaho we turned east again, on Hwy 84 and got as far as Hwy 86 where we found a rest stop. This was a 386 mile day. We expect to be in Yellowstone tomorrow afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Day FOUR = We've decided that posting blog was taking up too much of our precious time. We're too busy enjoying ourselves to bother with the working stiffs = figure it out = Permanent VACATION! Aren't we just a kick in the pants?!

Anne and Bob: Viewed in Dianna's opinion and I don't care if you asked for it or not. [howwasthatforaverylongruninsentence?]<~~ No, NOT a new Scrabble word!
*I* will never take the time to write Blog on vacation.... :-) Hope you're enjoying your trip!

Betty Eyman said...

Hello Bob and Ann, thanks for your Blog... Dick and I will probably never get to the wonderous places you will be seeing... so we will live it vicarously through you two. We do miss you, but are glad you have this opportunity. How is the sick patient? I hear he is doing better. Great!!!!

Anne, Dick and I are going to church Sunday...wouldn't miss it.

Keep up the Blog... love it

TCMD said...

dick and betty, you need to go to yellowstone, it is only about a day and a half by car and you can stay right in the park. It is not something to miss.