Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day twenty two - Monday, Sept. 24

Today was a day of rest, kinda. Ann did more laundry and I waited for the RV repairman. Our refrigerator was acting up so we called a local, mobile repairman. Turns out the refrigerator was just overdue for a service and had gotten a little clogged up. He also replaced the switch for the refrigerator light so we have light again. For the past 2 years we thought we were getting the wrong bulb but he tested the switch and now it works.

After the repair job we drove out of the park to do some shopping, had a game of scrabble and visited with some neighbors for a while. Two couples who are travelling together and are from California. One couple will be moving to Anderson when they get done with this trip.

Tomorrow we have a tour of the Capitol scheduled. We meet at our Congressman's office and go from there. I have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into with this tour but we'll go to DC early, check out some things, go on the tour, check out some more things and call it a day. Wednesday will be the first day of serious sight-seeing.

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