Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day thirty eight - Wednesday

We hit the road at 8:00 a.m. and decided to go through to Statesville, N.C. today. It was a 258 mile day. When got to Statesville we found the Wal-mart and made our selves at home. We're only eight miles from the KOA where we'll stay until Sunday.

We had a game a Scrabble this afternoon. Ann beat me again. That's twice in a row. I'd say I have to quit having a drink during the game but Ann is having one too. I guess I can't use that as an excuse.

We turned over 4,000 miles today and have covered sixteen states. I haven't added up how much we've spent on fuel yet, but will do so soon. If we're getting eight miles per gallon we would have used 500 gallons. And if we're paying an average of $3.05 per gallon for diesel, that would be $1,525.00.

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