Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day forty five - Wednedsday

Today was another do-nothing day. Ann did a load of laundry and I vacuumed the coach. We had a game of Scrabble and Ann gave some neighbor ladies a tour of the coach.

We're watching the weather here. About 400 miles west of us there are tornado warnings and, as normal, the weather is coming eastward. We have rain and lightning in the forecast for tomorrow.

We did move today. We extended our stay for two more nights here but had to move to a different site. We moved three doors down. We're still by the river though.

Tomorrow we'll probably do nothing again, especially if it rains. That's okay though. It's kinda nice to do nothing! Time for supper. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two are starting to wear down just a little. That is to be expected for as long as you have been gone. Hope you are able recharge and enjoy the rest of your adventure with the same enthusiam that you had the first few weeks.
Don and Barb