Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day fifty two - Wednesday

Today was another travel day. We left West Memphis at about 11:00 a.m. and arrived in Conway, Arkansas a couple of hours later. We were going to stop in Little Rock but decided to go on another twenty miles. We were going to stop at the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library and Adult Book Shop but passed on that when we heard Hillary might be there for a photo session.

We're staying at the Wal-mart RV park again tonight and will head toward Branson tomorrow. We'd like to go to Branson but Ann called a bunch of RV parks and they were all full. She did find one that can get us in on Friday, so we'll boondock again tomorrow night somewhere just short of Branson.

We had two games of Scrabble this afternoon and this evening, watched Private Practice and the first game of the World Series.

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