Sunday, December 9, 2007

Day ninety three - Tuesday

Well, we're home!

Although it was a great trip, we're glad to be home. Everything was fine at home. Wyatt did a great job of keeping things in good shape. Bobby did a nice job of stacking the wood that was delivered while we were gone. Roger and Sue also came by and checked on things.

The trip ended up being just over 8500 miles. We left on Sept. 4 and returned on Dec. 4. Three months! We saw almost half the states and had a great time.

I think we agree that the places we need, and want, to see again are Yellowstone, Washington D.C. and New Orleans. There wasn't enough time to see everything we wanted to see in these places. We're already planning a two-week trip to Yellowstone in July with Jim, Jackie, Alan and Jonette.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day ninety two - Monday

Ann went shopping with Kari and Phylis today. Afterward Kari, Phylis, Paul and I had dinner at Mimi's in Gilroy. Very good dinner and good company.

Rick had his hand x-ray and nothing is broken. However, his finger is tweaked and he'll be out of work until next week.

Tomorrow we head home!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day ninety one - Sunday

Rick spent the day finishing work on his new garage, Ann went to church and shopping and I spent the day making dinner for everybody. Everybody included Ann's sister, Diane, Nick, Kari, Art, Rick, Grace and the kids.

Dinner was Lemon - Cilantro Chicken, Lemon - Garlic Green Beans and Cajun Potato Salad. Green Beans were very good, Potato Salad was great and the Chicken was okay!

Lots of football too!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Day ninety - Saturday

Not much to report today. I washed the coach in the morning and we took Bailie and Heather to a movie in Los Banos after lunch at Pizza Hut.

In the evening Ann and Grace went shopping and Rick made Chorizo, potatoes and eggs for dinner. Very good!

Rick was supposed to be at work today but a few days ago he hurt his hand at work and has to go to the doctor on Monday for x-rays.